
  • 网络AV; land price per floor area; land value in terms of per unit floorage




最终,华懋以21.7亿港元拍得地块,每尺楼面地价(AV)9,537港元,高勾地价26.5%,但低于市场预期。拍卖的九龙塘延文礼士 …

land price per floor area

汉英建筑园林、城市规划名词 -... ... 楼面层||tier 楼面地价||land price per floor area 楼梯||staircase ...

land value in terms of per unit floorage

规划术语-... ... 地面地价 land value 楼面地价 land value in terms of per unit floorage 住房合作社 housing cooperative ...

land value in tetms ofper unit floorage

建设部关于发布行业标准《房地产业... ... 7.0.29 楼面地价 land value in tetms ofper unit floorage 7.0.30 地面地价 land value ...

the value of floor

楼面价,floor... ... ) floor price 楼面价 ) the value of floor 楼面地价 ) the floor-value ratio 楼层楼面地价比 ...

Accommodation Value

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