
  • 网络model drama; model opera; revolutionary opera



model drama

样板戏(model drama)是“文化大革命”中一个特殊的词语,是江青等人把当时一批文艺作品视为开无产阶级文艺新纪元的代表所 …

model opera

中国传统文化词汇集锦_英语网 ... 灶王爷 the Kitchen God 样板戏 model opera 地雷战 The Mine Warfare ...

revolutionary opera

pattern drama

新东方 词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 】 D.patterns 方式 样板 模范 【pattern drama 样板戏 pattern house 样板房】 ...

Model Operas

【operas】什么意思_英语operas在线翻译_有道词典 ... classical operas 古装戏 Model Operas 样板戏 Famous operas 歌剧列 …

eight model plays

戏言 English, 翻译, 例句,... ... 演戏 to perform;to put on a play;to feign 样板戏 eight model plays 游戏池 swimming pool ...

model theater

Ban3 | Chinese Dictionary ... 滑雪板 ski;snowboard 样板戏 model theater 印刷版 printing plate ...

modern Beijing opera

请问京剧用英语怎么说?_爱问知识人 ... 中国戏曲: Chinese theatre art 样板戏modern Beijing opera 京剧: Beijing opera ...

