
  • n.polar angle; azimuth
  • 网络angle at pole; vectorial angle; polar cusp



polar angle

数学专业英语词汇14_专业词汇 ... polar 极的 polar angle 极角 polar axis 极轴 ...

angle at pole

航海及海运专业英语词汇(A4) ... angle at eye of observer 在观测者眼睛处的张角 angle at pole 极角 angle at zenith 天顶角 ...

vectorial angle

Chinese Y.M.C.A. Secondary School ... point of contact 切点 vectorial angle 极角 equilateral 等边 ...

polar cusp

这两个开放的缺口叫做“极角”(polar cusp)。磁鞘里有些高能粒子溜出来又闯入极角,冲进大气层,撞击气体原 子使之电离, …

angle in polar coordinates

Polarized Chinese, 翻译,... ... system of polar coordinates 极坐标系; 极座标系 (angle in polar coordinates) 极角; 极角 ...
