
  • n.【食】Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish
  • 网络Squirrel-shaped Mandarin Fish; Deep-Fried Mandarin Fish in Sweet and Sour Sauce; mandarin fish in the shape of a squirrel



Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish

中餐菜式的新英文名... ... 水煮鱼 Poached Fish in Chili Oil 松鼠桂鱼 Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish 酸汤鱼 Fish in Sour Soup ...

Squirrel-shaped Mandarin Fish

昂立口译教师T 日志 -... ... 原汁原味 original flavors 松鼠桂鱼 Squirrel-shaped Mandarin Fish 特色菜 special dish ...

Deep-Fried Mandarin Fish in Sweet and Sour Sauce

上海结婚网 ... 松鼠桂鱼 Deep-fried Mandarin Fish in Sweet and Sour Sauce 砂锅全家福 Clay Pot Combination ...

mandarin fish in the shape of a squirrel

实践教学目标及... ... beggars chicken 叫花鸡 mandarin fish in the shape of a squirrel 松鼠桂鱼 Part 4 Transportation 出行 ...

Sweet & Sour Mandarin Fish

廊亦舫酒楼 菜单,咕嘟妈咪Gudumami.cn... ... 松鼠桂鱼 Sweet & Sour Mandarin Fish 上海双味虾 2-Flavour Shanghai Shrimps ...

Deep Fried Mandarin Fish With Sweet & Sour Sauce

... 麻酱油麦菜 Romaine Leaf With Bean Sauce & Sesame Oil 松鼠桂鱼 Deep Fried Mandarin Fish With Sweet & Sour Sauce ...

mardring fish with tomato sauce

... 腰果鲜虾球 stwed shrimps 松鼠桂鱼 mardring fish with tomato sauce 黑椒牛仔骨 beef steak with black papper sauce ...

the mandarin fish like squirrel

... 菠萝虾球 shrimp ball with pineaple 松鼠桂鱼 the mandarin fish like squirrel 佛跳墙 buddist jumping out of the wall ...
