
  • na.essence of almond
  • 网络syrup of almond; apricot kernel juice; Almond Juice



essence of almond

百度词典搜索_露 ... Morning dews glitter in the sun. 晨露在阳光下闪烁。 essence of almond; 杏仁露 Lu Ping 露平 ...

syrup of almond

1 2 3 4 5 ... 五加参精^ syrup of acanthopanax root 杏仁露^ syrup of almond 酸梅汤^ syrup of plum ...

apricot kernel juice

进出口专业英语词汇(A4)|无忧教育 ... apricot kernel butter 杏仁酱 apricot kernel juice 杏仁露 apricot kernel oil 杏仁油 ...

Almond Juice

餐饮词汇 - readli.cool的日志 - 网易博客 ... Mint tea 薄荷茶 Almond juice 杏仁露 Orange pekoe black tea 橘红茶 ...

almond syrup

常用的英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... 麦芽糖 malt sugar 杏仁露 almond syrup 咸的,咸味的 salty sour ...

Almond Milk Drink

学生 ... 19. 黄酒配酸梅( Yellow Wine with Sourplum) 2. 杏仁露( Almond Milk Drink) ...
