
  • na.palm off a substitute for the real thing
  • 网络substitute one thing for another; palming off substitute for the real thing; substitute this for that



substitute one thing for another

在线字典:李字的含... ... 李煜[ Li Yu] 李代桃僵[ substitute one thing for another; substitute this for that] 李冰[ Li Bin] ...

palming off substitute for the real thing

三十六计_互动百科 ... 李代桃僵 palming off substitute for the real thing 顺手牵羊 picking up something in passing ...

substitute this for that

... 4. 李大钊[ Li Da zhao] 5. 李代桃僵[ substitute one thing for another; substitute this for that] 7. 李贺[ Li He] ...

Sacrifice the plum for the peach

- 冰山来客... ... 雷公 the Thunder God 李代桃僵 Sacrifice the plum for the peach 连环计 Chain together the enemy's ships ...

Palm off a substitute for the real thing

请帮忙用英语翻译三... ... 11.李代桃僵 Palm off a substitute for the real thing 12.顺手牵羊 Lead away the sheep by the way ...

to substitute one thing for another

Substitution... ... to substitute into 代入 to substitute one thing for another 李代桃僵 to substitute shoddy goods 充好 ...


EVERYBODY LOVES 《人人都爱雷蒙德》 ... 9.Older Women 红颜知己 10.Raybert 李代桃僵 11.The Kicker 我怕谁啊 ...

Sacrifice the plum tree to preserve the peach tree

英语“三十... ... 10. 笑里藏刀 Hide a knife behind a smile 11. 李代桃僵 Sacrifice the plum tree to preserve the peach tree ...
