
  • 网络Ectopic pregnancy unspecified; Malignant neoplasm of breast unspecified; Other migraine



Ectopic pregnancy unspecified

医学病症与手术术语英语... ... 肾异位 Ectopic kidney 异位妊娠,未特指 Ectopic pregnancy unspecified 睾丸异位 Ectopic testis ...

Malignant neoplasm of breast unspecified

... 鳃裂恶性肿瘤 Malignant neoplasm of branchial cleft 乳房恶性肿瘤,未特指 Malignant neoplasm of breast unspecified ...

Other migraine

migraine... ... - ophthalmopkegia migraine 眼肌麻痹型偏头痛; - Other migraine 偏头痛,未特指; - migraine headaches 偏头痛; ...

Hydrocele unspecified

医学病症词汇翻译H-5... ... 葡萄胎,未特指 Hydatidiform mole unspecified 水囊肿,未特指 Hydrocele unspecified ...

Spondylosis unspecified

医学病症词汇翻译S-10... ... 脊髓病,未特指 Spondylopathy unspecified 其他脊髓关节强硬,未特指 Spondylosis unspecified ...

Spondylopathy unspecified

医学病症词汇翻译S-10... ... 脊髓病,未特指 Spondylopathy unspecified 其他脊髓关节强硬,未特指 Spondylosis unspecified ...

Hydatidiform mole unspecified

医学病症词汇翻译H-5... ... 葡萄胎,未特指 Hydatidiform mole unspecified 水囊肿,未特指 Hydrocele unspecified ...

Inflammatory disease of prostate unspecified

... 宫颈炎性疾病 Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri 前列腺炎性疾病,未特指 Inflammatory disease of prostate unspecified ...
