
  • na.【中医】liverzang-fire attacking lung
  • 网络wood-fire impairs the metal; Wood fire tormenting metal; Dumi



wood-fire impairs the metal

... 虚寒证 deficiency-cold syndrome 木火刑金 wood-fire impairs the metal 扶阳退阴 strengthening yang to reduce yin ...

Wood fire tormenting metal

... 水不涵木⑴ Water fails to moisten wood 木火刑金Wood fire tormenting metal 火性炎上⑴ Fire tends to flame upward ...


居民刀棍自卫 潮州戒严 wawaya 上海滩... ... NoBye( 不说再见) Dumi( 木火刑金) DaHaoRen( 大好人) ...

the wood-fire damages the metal

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 木乘土 the wood subjugates the earth 木火刑金 the wood-fire damages the me

wood-fire impairs metal

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 妙药 wonderful drugs 木火刑金 wood-fire impairs metal 板状腹 wooden be…

the wood-fire impairs the metal

专业... ... 木火刑金 the wood-fire damages the metal 木火刑金 the wood-fire impairs the metal 木制夹板 the wooden splint ...
