
  • 网络wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally; wood characterized by bending and straightening; wood is the bending and straightening



wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally

中医常... ... 滋肾养肝 nourishing the kidney and liver 木曰曲直 wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally ...

wood characterized by bending and straightening

CG... ... 水 water 木曰曲直 wood characterized by bending and straightening 火曰炎上 fire characterized by flaring up ...

wood is the bending and straightening

中医药名词规范简报 ... 木曰曲直wood is the bending and straightening 心主血脉: heart governs the blood and vessels ...

wood bends and straightens

...ad its stem and branches 木曰曲直 (wood bends and straightens). In the case of my daughter’s hyperthyroidism, it descri...
