
  • na.get there; get somewhere
  • 网络amount to something; achieve; enjoy and achieve



get somewhere

初中英语总复习_百度知道 ... get sb by the neck 捉住 get somewhere 有所成就 get sth off one's chest 把心中的话讲出来 ...

amount to something

... something to do with 与…有关 amount to something 有所成就,有所作为 or something 别的什么,或其他诸如此类的东西 ...


3,你若总是这样消磨时间,就永远不会有所成就achieve)4,已安排他们于第二年春天离开(arrange)5,我们头顶上的天花 …

enjoy and achieve

...thy)、安全的生活(stay safe)、快乐且有所成就enjoy and achieve)、做出积极贡献(make a positive contribution)和 …

Make something of yourself

『实用英语话你知』 - 香港资源中心 hk32168.com ... Murky( 模糊不清) Make something of yourself( 有所成就) Celibacy( 独身) ...

so early in her life.

GOSSIP GIRL 2.6 ... so early in her life.|有所成就 It's a gift.|这是天赋 ...

Getting somewhere

翻译词典... ... see sb. somewhere 要某人滚蛋 Getting somewhere 有所成就 somewhere or other 〖口〗某个地方 ...

make sth of meself

【meself】什么意思_英语meself在线翻译_有道词典 ... I care meself so 我很介意自己的形象 make sth of meself 有所成就 ...
