
  • un.delayed menstrual cycle
  • 网络delayed menstruation; late menstruation; delayed menses



delayed menstrual cycle

妇科病 ... 月经先期 preceded menstrual cycle 月经后期 delayed menstrual cycle 崩漏 metrorrhagia and metrostaxis ...

delayed menstruation

中医药词汇背诵 生物医药大词典 ... edge 缘 delayed menstruation 月经后期 counterflow menstruation 逆经 ...

late menstruation

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 在晚年 late in life 月经后期 late menstruation 陷性白喉 latent diphtheria ...

delayed menses

专业词汇在线... ... 滞产 delayed labour 月经后期 delayed menses 血瘀经行后期 delayed menstrual cycle due to blood stasis ...

Longer menstrual interval

中医词汇术语(二) ... Long pulse 长脉 Longer menstrual interval 月经后期 Loose stool 便溏 ...

retarded menstruation

12.妇科疾病 ... 月经先期 advanced menstruation 月经后期 retarded menstruation 月经先后无定期 irregular menstrual cycle ...

postmenstrual period

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 经后期的 postmenstrual 月经后期 postmenstrual period 经后期 postmenstruati…
