
  • 网络the Wisdom Sea; Hall of the Sea of Wisdom; Lake of wisdom



the Wisdom Sea

颐和园的英文介绍 ... 4. the Longevity Hill 万寿山 6. the Wisdom Sea 智慧海 7. the Marble Boat 石舫 ...

Hall of the Sea of Wisdom

旅游英语教案_旅游英语 ... ) Tower of Buddhist Incense 佛香阁 ) Hall of the Sea of Wisdom 智慧海 ) the central axis 中轴线 ...

Lake of wisdom

2006West Sichuan 3,稻城亚丁 - a set on Flickr ... 五色海, Five-color lake 智慧海, Lake of wisdom 卡斯沟露营处, Camp ...

Buddha-wisdom deep and wide as the ocean

A Dictionary of... ... 智慧海 Buddha-wisdom deep and wide as the ocean. 智智 Wisdom of wisdom;Buddha-omniscience. ...

Ye shes rgya mtsho

...续典及要门悉数传予这位高足,后者复将其所得传授给了智慧海(Ye shes rgya mtsho)、莲花胜王(Padma dBang rgyal)、天王 …

Yeshey Tsogyal

其时,莲师应智慧海(Yeshey Tsogyal)之请,命伏魔金刚趋赴多康(mDo Khams,即藏东)利益有情,且勉之曰:“汝徒众中,与 …
