
  • na.not give serious thought to anything
  • 网络Be Indifferent To Anything; Vapid; attempt and accomplish nothing



not give serious thought to anything

... ◎ 无声无臭[ unknown;obscure] ◎ 无所用心[ not give serious thought to anything] ◎ 无所不用其极[ unscrupulously] ...

Be Indifferent To Anything

什么意思_英语be_indifferent_to在线翻译... ... Be Indifferent To Anything 无所用心 be indifferent to something 不闻不问 ...


中世纪2王国 人物+事务官 技能全集。 -... ... Utter_Snob 极度傲慢 Vapid 无所用心 Vision_of_Beauty 倾国倾城 ...

attempt and accomplish nothing

怎么翻译??... ... 5 饱食终日 eat one's head off 6 无所用心 attempt and accomplish nothing 三三两两地”( by ones and twos…

You look aside-minded

什么意思_英语look-aside在线翻译_有道词典... ... You look aside-minded 无所用心 Look-Aside Interface 旁视接口 ...

Illustrated by KSR

台北市三军总医院汀州院区出生 处女座 AB型 饱食终日 无所用心 (Illustrated by KSR )▼ 四月 2010 (1) 台湾字体美学大倒退 ► …
