
  • na.circumstantial evidence
  • 网络collateral evidence; circumstantial rvidence; linesman



circumstantial evidence

美国法庭词汇翻译 | 法律英语翻译 ... circuit court 巡回法庭 circumstantial evidence 间接证据,旁证 citation 罚单,传票 ...

collateral evidence

evidence ... clinical evidence 临床证据[迹象] collateral evidence 旁证, 证据 conclusive evidence 确证 ...

circumstantial rvidence

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 局限的 circumscriptus 旁证 circumstantial rvidence 扁桃体周的 circumtonsillar ...


香港新闻工作者从... ... 某人的入球被判无效 somebody's goal was disallowed 旁证 linesman 留在场中作赛 stayed on the pitch ...

hearsay evidence

  3.4.2 旁证hearsay evidence):是为证明尚待证实事情的真相而由非本人提供的一种声明,是间接证据。旁证往往不被接纳…

corroborative evidence

...“contract to sell"之各不相同作为旁证(corroborative evidence),借以论证"contract to marry”与"contract of marriage"(包括其...

adminicular evidence

补充证据,adminicular... ... ) adminicular evidence 补充证据 ) adminicular evidence 补充的证据,旁证 ...

The Assistant Referees

足球有几多种规则 -... ... 5 The Referee( 球证) 6 The Assistant Referees( 旁证) 7 The Duration of the Match( 比赛时间) ...
