
  • na.attack by innuendo
  • 网络beat around the bush; beat about the bush; by-stroke



beat around the bush

裕兴新概念英语第三册 - 豆丁网 ... to be 结果是; 证明是 beat around the bush 拐弯抹角,旁敲侧击 ♠ Reported missing 挂失 ...

beat about the bush

最常用英语短语_百度文库 ... be a steal 便宜货 beat about the bush 转弯抹角,旁敲侧击 be becoming 合适,好看 ...


旁字怎么组... ... 旁注〖 sidenote〗 旁敲侧击by-stroke;(fig)attackbyinnuendo;makeobliquereferences〗 旁白〖 aside(inaplay…

attack by innuendo

帮个忙... ... 祸不单行。 Misfortune never come alone. 旁敲侧击 attack by innuendo 身教重于言教。 Justice has long arms. ...

to beat around the bush

CCTV.com ... 故意绕弯子。 or beat around the bush. 旁 敲 侧 击 to beat around the bush 大牛:明白了。 Now I am clear. ...

fool round the stump

英语单词查询 ... fool on 干蠢事 fool round the stump [美]拖延, 拐弯抹角, 旁敲侧击 fool with 摆弄, 玩弄 ...

beating around the bush

...来吗?我都是绕着“一个马来西亚”这个主义,现在只是旁敲侧击(beating around the bush),请允许我插播一个所见所闻,今年 …
