
  • 网络New Book of Tang; New history book of Tang; The Newer Book of the Tang Dynasty



New Book of Tang

新唐书》(New Book of Tang),北宋欧阳修、宋祁、范镇、吕夏卿等合撰,是记载唐朝历史的纪传体史书。《新唐书》共2…

New history book of Tang

大唐名将高仙芝竟... ... ^ Zizhi Tongjian, 资治通鉴 ^ New history book of Tang, 新唐书 ^ Old history book of Tang, 旧唐书 ...

The Newer Book of the Tang Dynasty

... ) The Older Book of the Tang Dynasty 旧唐书 ) The Newer Book of the Tang Dynasty 新唐书 ) category books 唐宋类书 ...

Hsin T'ang shu

... hsin-yao 心要 Hsin T'ang shu 新唐书 hsing-chuang 行状 ...


新唐书》(thang-yig-gsar-pa)中记载吐蕃传时云:“居父母丧,断发、黛面、黑衣”。虽传到今天有所改变,但这种严格的禁忌 …

The new history of the Tang Dynasty

Xin Tangshu 新唐书 (The new history of the Tang Dynasty). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1975.

New Documents of Tang

Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修, Song Qi 宋祁 (2003) Xin Tang shu 新唐书 (New Documents of Tang), Beijing: Zhonghua shuju. Shang Yo…

Newer chronicles of the Tang

...g) 177; the Xin Tang shu 新唐书 (Newer chronicles of the Tang) 182; the jc (t 51: 293a–c); and the Jushi zhuan 居士传 (B...
