
  • 网络Hall of Literary Harmony; Hall of Literary Glory; the Hall of Literary Glory



Hall of Literary Harmony

中国最著名的旅游景... ... 保和殿 Hall of Preserved Harmony 文华殿 Hall of Literary Harmony 武英殿 Hall of Martial Valour ...

Hall of Literary Glory

... 5.hall of preserving harmony( 保和殿) 1.hall of literary glory文华殿) 2.pavilion of the imperial library( 文渊阁) ...

the Hall of Literary Glory

带您游... ... 养心殿 the Hall of Mental Cultivation 文华殿 the Hall of Literary Glory 武英殿 the Hall of Military Prowess ...

the Hall of Lofty Literary Glory

2013年北京导游口试专用名词中英文对照表 ... 29.文华殿 the Hall of Lofty Literary Glory 1.天安门广场: the Tian’anmen Square ...
