
  • 网络Transform shift the government functions; The transformation of government functions; Government function transition



Transform shift the government functions

shift-英汉词典-英中字典-速译通-解释意思... ... blue shift 蓝移效应 Transform shift the government functions 政府职能转变 ...

The transformation of government functions

外事港澳 ... 政府职能转变 The transformation of government functions 分布不均 Uneven distribution ...

Government function transition

电子政务术语 ... 3.1.25 政府职能转变 Government function transition 3.1.26 政府信息化 Government informatization ...

transition of government functions

《国民经济西部大... ... 责任下放 responsibility delegating 政府职能转变 transition of government functions 制定 formulate ...

change in government of functions

林中燕的个人空间_列表... ... 8、 政府职能转变change in government of functions 9、 开放型经济: open economy ...

tranformation of government functions

学习十七大报告英文词组之一-I... ... 政府职能转变 tranformation of government functions 走出去战略 go-global strategy ...


zdm999d 2012-03-15 02:21治政与政府职能转变(dayin)治政与政府职能转变(dayin) 技术总结 浏览:0 文档格式:PDF 文档星 …
