
  • 网络correct mistakes; correct errors; correct the mistakes



correct mistakes

请高手帮忙汉译英~_百度知道 ... 接受修正 Accept amendments 改正错误 Correct mistakes 不再指望 No longer counts on ...

correct errors

六级真题词汇笔记_许泽传Rocky_新浪博客 ... financial burden 财政负担 correct errors 改正错误 student loan 助学贷款 ...

correct the mistakes

6B&nb... ... 5. read over your answers 通读你的答案 6. correct the mistakes 改正错误 7. correct the homework 批改回家作业 ...

straighten oneself out

改,改字的解释,查字典 ... [change one's view] 改变本来的看法、观感 [straighten oneself out;correct one's mistakes] 改正错误 ...

mend one's way

情景会话口袋书人际篇... ... make way for 给……让路; mend one's way 改正错误;改变作风; on one's way to 到……去的途 …

rectify errors

词根词缀 - 英语... ... rectify v. 纠正,整顿, [化]精馏 六级词汇 rectify errors 改正错误 rectify the calendar 校正历书 ...

correct one's mistakes

改,改字的解释,查字典 ... [change one's view] 改变本来的看法、观感 [straighten oneself out;correct one's mistakes] 改正错误 ...

to correct an error

索赔专用词与范文例句 ... 承认错误 to acknowledge an error 改正错误 to correct an error 解决纠纷 to adjust a dispute ...
