
  • 网络separate channels of revenue and expenditure; SRE; two routes between revenue and expenditure



separate channels of revenue and expenditure

英文巴... ... 身价 showbiz value,personal wealth 收支两条线 separate channels of revenue and expenditure 上镜 photogenic ...


一种叫做收支两条线SRE) 的会计方法最近很受青睐。 根据收支两条线的管理方法,医院业务收入都上交给 3 政府的财政机 …

two routes between revenue and expenditure

...easury) 五,实施"收支两条线"管理 实施"收支两条线" (two routes between revenue and expenditure) 六,政府收支分类改革 (ref…

Separation of income and expenditure

两条副线,two... ... ) Separation of income and expenditure 收支两条线 ) The two lines cut across each other. 两条线相交。 ...

separation from revenues and expenditures

两条副线,two side... ... ) two threads 两条线索 ) separation from revenues and expenditures 收支两条线 ...

separation of revenues from expenditures

西北大学--社会保障学 ... 收支表 table of income and expenditure 收支两条线 separation of revenues from expenditures ...
