
  • 网络carry the lantern around; carry lanterns; Carry the lanterns



carry the lantern around

中秋节英文介绍_新东方在线 ... light lantern 点灯笼 carry the lantern around 提灯笼 burn incense 烧香 ...

carry lanterns

... 11. happy New Year 新年快乐 14. carry lanterns 提灯笼 15. How do they celebrate the Spring Festival? 如何庆祝春节? ...

Carry the lanterns

雅思口语逐个击破Part2_周楷祺Jeremy_新浪博客 ... 元宵节 Lantern festival 提灯笼 Carry the lanterns 舞龙 Dragon dance ...

To carry the lantern

How do you celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?... ... 最美 The most beautiful 提灯笼 To carry the lantern ...
