
  • n.inferential capability
  • 网络Reasoning ability; Logical Reasoning; Inferring Ability



Reasoning ability

HR专业英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... Readiness for training 培训准备 198 Reasoning ability 推理能力 199 Recruitment 招募 200 ...

inferential capability

Download It - 国立编译馆-... ... 推理树 inference tree method 推理能力 inferential capability 下附数位 inferior figures ...

Logical Reasoning

英孚少儿英语培训课程 ... 协作能力- Collaboration 推理能力- Logical Reasoning 问题解决能力- Problem Solving ...

Inferring Ability

...推理过程( InferringProcess) 或推理能力( Inferring Ability) , “ST”表示科技知识(Sci- tech Knowledge) , “L K”表示语言知识(L...

no power of reasoning

英语词汇和阅读... ... 241. well-founded 有说服力的 242. no power of reasoning 推理能力 243. the common run of men 普通人 ...

the inference ability

...能力(the judgment ability),推理能力the inference ability)和学习能力(the machine-learning ability)。

verbal reasoning

...T,其他的研究所考GRE,每种考试都一定考语文上的推理能力verbal reasoning),也就是逻辑论证的能力。
