
  • 网络rice with pork chop; Spareribs Rice; Pork Chop Rice



rice with pork chop

台湾小吃中英对照 snack ... 鸡腿饭 rice with chicken leg 排骨饭 rice with pork chop 黑楜椒牛肉烩饭 Black Pepper Beef Rice ...

Spareribs Rice

午餐的英文_百度知道 ... 叉烧饭 Barbecued Pork Rice 排骨饭 Spareribs Rice 回锅肉饭 Double-cooked Pork Rice ...

Pork Chop Rice

我需要英文的菜单如下帮我翻成英文 - Yahoo... ... 蹄花饭 beef tendon rice 排骨饭 pork chop rice 鸡腿饭 chick thigh rice ...

rice with pork rib

台湾小吃~如何翻译成英文 -... ... 碗粿 Bowl Rice Cake 排骨饭 rice with pork rib 扣肉饭 rice with soy sauce pork stew ...

Pork Chop Meal

早餐~饭类~面类~ ... 板条 Flat noodles 排骨饭 Pork Chop Meal 冬粉 Green bean noodle ...

Chinese Style Pork Chop with Rice

排骨饭(Chinese Style Pork Chop with Rice) 混血厨房版的低脂脆皮烤鸡(Low Fat Grill Crispy Chicken with My Special Sauce) …

Pork Chop With Rice

Mimi's House - 乐多日志 ... 卤肉饭 Pork Stew with Rice 排骨饭 Pork Chop With Rice 卤鸡腿饭 Stewed Chicken Leg With Rice ...

Spareribs with Rice

Dim Sum _Seattale Chinatown ... ... 各类肠粉 Assorted Rice Roll 排骨饭 Spareribs With Rice 虾肠粉 Shrimp Rice Roll ...
