
  • 网络be crowded with; packed; be packed with



be crowded with

【资源】英语常用短语 ... be content with 对……满足 be crowded with 挤满了 be deaf to 对……听而不闻、充耳不闻 ...


媒体英语_BBC英语教学_中国教育在线外语频道 ... recession 衰退 packed 挤满了 truffle sauce 松露汁 ...

be packed with

【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》09 ... show up: 揭露,露面,露出 be packed with挤满了 no longer: 不再 ...

are crowded with

高中英语必修5单词与短语总结|学习信息网 ... 21. be good for 有益于 22. are crowded with 挤满了 23. the key to … 的答案 ...

be thronged with

高级口译备考词汇笔记[2]_在线英语听力室 ... converge v. 汇聚(到某一点) be thronged with 挤满了 an evening stroll 晚间散 …

be covered with

外研社高中教材英... ... 12. 愿意做… be wiling to do sth 13. 挤满了 be covered with 1. 有经验的工人 an experienced worker ...

be jammed with

考试大纲词汇解析_免费教案_当知网... ... be in a jam 处于困境 be jammed with ... 挤满了... be paid by the job 领计件工资 ...
