
  • na.scold the locust while pointing at the mulberry
  • 网络speak at; make oblique accusations; Revile the locust tree while pointing at the mulberry



speak at

英文"speak... ... speak aside 向旁边说, 自言自语 speak at 暗讽, 指桑骂槐 speak down to sb. 以上司的口吻对某人讲 …

make oblique accusations

优秀课件笔记之视听巧记汉英成语2 -... ... 成语 指天画地 talk straight and frankly 成语 指桑骂槐 make oblique accusations ...

Revile the locust tree while pointing at the mulberry

Bill.Cui... ... 26.指桑骂槐 Revile the locust tree while pointing at the mulberry. 27.假痴不癫 Play dumb,remain smart. ...

fit the cap on

英语中的谚语 ... fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼 fit the cap on 指桑骂槐 flash in the pan 昙花一现 ...

cursing the oak-tree when they mean the ash

汉语习语的英译 ... (7) 借刀杀人 murder with a borrowed knife (8) 指桑骂槐 cursing the oak-tree when they mean the ash ...

Point at the mulberry only to curse the locust

... (26)指桑骂槐 Point at the mulberry only to curse the locust (27)假痴不癫 Feigning madness without becoming insane ...

Accuse the elm while pointing at the mulberry tree.

pointing at one but abusing another

在线... ... 制定反贪法规: anti-corruption legislation 指桑骂槐pointing at one but abusing another 指甲夹: nail clipper ...
