
  • na.enroll only those who are outstanding
  • 网络admit the best examinee; meritocracy; merit-based enrollment



admit the best examinee

英语新闻常用词 - 豆丁网 ... activist 活跃分子 admit the best examinee 择优录取 adverse trade balance 逆差 ...


作者认为,虽然“择优录取”(meritocracy)一直是大学的口号,但这个“优”的定义却是一直在变化的。从最初的“入学考试”到今 …

merit-based enrollment

分类词... ... provide training to selected students 定向培养 merit-based enrollment 择优录取 advance enrollment 提前录取 ...

awarded on merit

卫兵 ... candidates 候选人, 报考者 awarded on merit 择优录取 appointment 任命 ...

contest mobility

contest是什么意... ... sales contest 销售竞争,售货竞争 contest mobility 择优录取 contest the chromo 竞争, 抗衡, 与...媲美 ...

Enroll the Best by selection

择优录用,employm... ... ) Enroll the Best by selection;admit the Best of examinees 择优录取 ) academic selection 择优选录 ...

admit the Best of examinees

择优录用,employm... ... ) Enroll the Best by selection;admit the Best of examinees 择优录取 ) academic selection 择优选录 ...
