
  • na.rise to one's full height and smite the table
  • 网络stand up for what is right; strike the table and rise to one's feet; Turn the Tables



stand up for what is right

...ge against);因为太多的人过于懦弱,不敢拍案而起(stand up for what is right);因为太多的 人无法选择的时候,选择对绝望 …

strike the table and rise to one's feet

拍 开头的词语 | 常用词典 | 中华博物 ... ◆ 拍案[ strike the table ] ◆ 拍案而起[ strike the table and rise to one's feet ] ...

Turn the Tables

魔戒技能中英文对照表... ... 深呼吸 Deep Breath 拍案而起 Turn the Tables 振奋精神 Raise the Spirit ...
