
  • n.hypothecation
  • 网络warranty deed; hypothecation agreement; deed of guarantee




英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(66) _ 上海疯狂英语 ... hypothecate 抵押 hypothecation 担保契约 hypothenar 小鱼际 ...

warranty deed

商务英语口语会刊 No.529 ... warranty period 保险期 warranty deed (房地产)担保契约 1.warranty n. 授权,担保,保证,根 …

hypothecation agreement

hypothecation是什么意思及反义词... ... hypothecation insurance 抵押保险 hypothecation agreement 【经】 担保契约, 押船契 …

deed of guarantee

译网情深 - 打印文章 - ... deduction 扣减 deed of guarantee 担保契约 default interest 罚息 ...

guarantee contract

机械专业英语词汇-机械资讯-马棚网... ... guarantee bond 保证书 guarantee contract 担保契约 guaranteed efficiency 保证效率 ...

contract of gurantee

会计词汇D ... contract clause 合同条款 contract of gurantee 担保契约 contract of indemnity 赔偿契约 ...

contract of guarantee

航海及海运专业英语词... ... contract of employment 雇佣合同 contract of guarantee 担保契约 contract of insurance 保险契约 ...

deed of security

《GMAT800分商业管理词汇》英语词汇(2) ... deed of assignment 转让契约 deed of security 担保契约 default interest 拖欠 …
