
  • n.extraction of steam
  • 网络steam extraction; extraction steam; bleeding steam



steam extraction

机械词汇的英语翻译--打印文章 ... steam engine 蒸汽机 steam extraction 抽汽 steam gauge 蒸汽压力计 ...

extraction steam

steam 是什么意思啊???_爱问知识人 ... extra steam 额外蒸汽 extraction steam 抽汽 fresh steam 新鲜蒸汽, 一次蒸汽 ...

extraction of steam

航海及海运专业英语词汇(E5) - 商务英语词汇 ... extraction hood 排气罩 extraction of steam 抽汽 extraction pipe 抽气管 ...

bleeding steam

航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(B) ... bleeding plug 泄水孔塞 bleeding steam 抽汽 bleeding valve 放泄阀 ...

steam bleeding

机械词汇的英语翻译--打印文章 ... steam attemperator 减温器过热降低器 steam bleeding 抽汽 steam boiler 蒸汽锅炉 ...


机械专业... ... bleed line 抽汽管路,排出管[线] bleed-off 抽汽;排出,放出排水,放出,流出;蒸汽取样 bleed-off belt 抽气环 …

bleed steam

英汉汉英汽轮机词汇精选 - 豆丁网 ... bleed pressure governor 抽汽压力调节装置 bleed steam 抽汽 bleed steam pipe 抽汽管[道…

ES extraction steam

汽轮机常... ... EOP emergency oil pump 事故油泵 ES extraction steam 抽汽 ETS emergency trip system 汽轮机紧急跳闸保护 …
