
  • 网络My Wife is Princess; Arrogant Princess; To Defeat Jinzhi



My Wife is Princess

晋剧剧目英语翻译-Shansi Opera English... ... 走雪山 Go to jokul 打金枝 My Wife is Princess 芦 花 reed catkins ...

Arrogant Princess

越剧剧目中英文集成_简JaneWoo... ... Breakaway from Marriage Bond《 赖婚记》 Arrogant Princess打金枝》 Day Dream …

To Defeat Jinzhi

中国部分艺术影片英译名_越南绿... ... 打焦赞*/ To Defeat Jiao Zan 打金枝*/ To Defeat Jinzhi 狩猎记*/ Hunting Story ...

Beating the Princes

古典戏剧翻译:一... ... 《苏三起解》 The Story of Su San 《打金枝Beating the Princes 《拾玉镯》 Picking Up the Jade Bra…

Beating the Princess Jinzhi

戏曲剧目翻译1_我家的雪獒_新浪博客 ... 打金枝 Beating the Princess Jinzhi 打龙袍 Beating the Dragon Robe ...

by frannxis

2010年7月19日 尾场精华片段 - YouTube... ... (1) - 打金枝(李龙, 苏春梅) by frannxis2 139,354 views ...

pruning the golden branch

A4. dǎ jīn zhī 打金枝 (pruning the golden branch)B1. dà déshèng 大得胜 (great victory)B2. lagūa 啦呱 (Shandong dialect mean...
