
  • na.be hard up for money
  • 网络be pinched for money; feel the draught; feel the pinch



hard up

带up的词组以及例... ... hang up v.挂断,拖延,把...挂起来 hard up 经济困难,手头拮据 haul up n.举起,停止,[海](使船)改变航向 ...

be pinched for money

英语单词查询 ... be peculiar to 为...所独有的 be pinched for money 手头拮据 be piqued at 为...生气 ...

feel the draught

F layer 电离层_馆档网 ... feel sympathy with 向某人表达同情 feel the draught 手头拮据 feel with 同感 ...

feel the pinch

Feel - 搜搜百科 ... feel good 感到愉快(或有信心等) feel the pinch 手头拮据;经济困难 feel about 摸索 ...

on the rocks

新概念翻译有限... ... 1. on the double 在两重上 ~~ 尽快 2. on the rocks 在岩石上 ~~ 手头拮据 3. on the wagon 开车 ~~ 戒酒 ...

feeling the pinch

The Credit Crunch 信贷紧缩-英语点津 ... buzzword 流行词 feeling the pinch 手头拮据,缺钱 a shortage 短缺 ...

be low in pocket

pocket... ... be in pocket {v.}赚钱 be low in pocket 没有钱,手头拮据 be prepared to put one's hand in pocket {v.}准备用钱 ...

be hard up for money

拮据_英文_英语_拮据用英语怎么说_翻译_读音... ... in financial straits 经济拮据 be hard up for money 手头拮据 ...
