
  • 网络hand joints; joints of hand; articulations of hand



hand joints

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 手伤 hand injury 手关节 hand joints 手持角膜镜 hand keatoscope ...

joints of hand

医学解剖学专业英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... joints of foot 足关节 joints of hand 手关节 knee joint 膝关节 ...

articulations of hand

专业... ... 指关节 articulations interphalangeae manus 手关节 articulations of hand 距骨小腿关节 articulatiotalocruralis ...

joint of hand

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在... ... 拔牙钳关节 joint of dental forceps 手关节 joint of hand 肋头关节 joint of head of rib ...


常见缺陷中英文对照 - 豆丁网 ... TONE CONTROL SEITCH 音质提 KNUCKLE 手关节 TRANSMITTER 电波发射器 ...

The Joints of the Hand

健康小博士:上肢骨连结及... ... 三、肘关节 Elbow joint 四、手关节 The Joints of the Hand 2. 腕掌关节 Carpometacarpal joints ...

Articuli manus

中英解剖学词典1 -... ... 掌指关节 Articuli metacarpophalangici 手关节 Articuli manus 下颌关节 Articulus mandibularis ...

The joints of the hand.Palmar aspect

人体解剖彩色图谱 (第二版)_百度百科 ... 55.肘关节 The elbow joint 56.手关节(掌面观) The joints of the hand.Palmar a
