
  • 网络real estate bubble; property bubble; housing bubble



real estate bubble

次贷危机相关英语词汇 ... 部分 Tranche 房地产泡沫 real estate bubble 房地产泡沫 The Housing Bubble ...

property bubble

房产中介 ... 投机性房产交易 speculative property transactions 房地产泡沫 property bubble 商业地产 commercial property ...

housing bubble

对于过度风险(excess risk)、金融杠杆(leverage)以及负债(debt)从何而来他们尚且不知,更不用提房地产泡沫housin

bubbles in real estate market

城市户口家庭平均资... ... 报复性反弹: retaliatory price rebound 房地产泡沫bubbles in real estate market 中位数: median ...

real estate bubbles

房地产经济泡沫,... ... ) real estate foam 房地产泡沫 ) real estate bubbles 房地产泡沫 ) the real estate bubble 房地产泡沫 ...

real estate foam

房地产经济泡沫,Real... ... ) real estate bubble 房地产泡沫 ) real estate foam 房地产泡沫 ) real estate bubbles 房地产泡沫 ...

foam of the real estate industry

房地产用英语怎么说... ... foam of the real estate industry 房地产泡沫 Invest in real estate. 投资于房地产 ...

A big bubble in real estate now
