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  • 网络Amid the Battle of Musketry; deed of arms; battle achievements



Amid the Battle of Musketry

狄米想看的电影(558) ... 最后之良心 / The Last Conscience 战功 / Amid the Battle of Musketry ...

deed of arms

arm的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... small arms 轻兵器(指步枪, 手枪, 机枪等) deed of arms 战功 the suspension of arms 休战 ...

battle achievements

Doubt大 说:蔡英文没有战功(battle achievements)……虚幻不实的小英传说 ?================ One of Tsai’s biggest contri…

military exploit

战_百度百科 ... 14. 战歌[ war song] 15. 战功[ military exploit] 16. 战鼓[ war drum] ...

military accomplishments

武_互动百科 ... [military accomplishments] 专指在军事方面取得的成就;战功 [officer] 指军官 ...

outstanding military service

反战 English, 翻译, 发音, 字典 Chinese... ... 战俘 prisoner of war 战功 outstanding military service 战壕 trench warfare ...

a feat of arms

高三英语词汇解析Unit... ... feats of horsemanship 马术 a feat of arms 战功 What is the length of the car? 这辆汽车有多长? ...

a deed of arms

deed... ... in deed as well as in name 不仅在名义上,而且在实际上 a deed of arms 军功,战功 a deed of covenant 契据,契约书 ...
