
  • 网络I will.; I came; I Come



I will.

感恩节专题——3.一段温馨的感恩节晚餐... ... Who wants to begin? 谁先开始 I will. 我来。 All rihgt! 太好了 ...

I came

博文_1991四季哥_新浪博客 ... 31 天色已晚 Oh,It's To Be Late 32我来 I Came 33 一滴 A Drop I Ccold Be ...

I Come

英语是什么玩意儿1:从最简单的句子说起 ... 4.I read. 我读书。 5. I come. 我来。 ...

Let me.

UNFAITHFUL ... You take me to the best places.|你带我来这最棒的地方 Let me.|我来 Are you taking tennis?|你有在打网球吗…

Allow me

英语口语四大信条_小兔子~\(^o^)/~_百度空间 ... 14. So long. 再见。 16. Allow me. 我来。 3. Let go! 放手! ...

I'll do it

The... ... -Jesse:No. We're good. 不,不用帮忙。 -Jesse:I'll do it. 我来。 -Jesse:I got it. We're good. 我知道了。我们挺好。 ...

Let me try

... 16.Good-bye,boys and girls. 同学们,再见。 18.Let me try. 我来。 19.Let’s read the test together. 让我们来读课文。 ...

Sounds good to me.

走遍美国: You're Tops ACT I_在线英语听力室 ... Sounds good to me. 我来。 What are we having? 我们吃些什么? ...
