
  • n.genetic analysis
  • 网络cause analysis; Analysis; Analysis of the contributing factors



cause analysis

英语单词中第一... ... cause and effect 因果关系;原因与结果 cause analysis 原因分析;成因分析 internal cause 内因;内在原 …

genetic analysis

... 5.1.10 面积比改正 areal ratiomo dification 5.1.11 成因分析 genetic analysis 5.1.12 地区综合 regional synthesis ...


谁能帮我翻译一段论文摘要,万分感谢!... ... 农村小学后进生: Rural Primary School Students 成因分析Analysis ...

Analysis of the contributing factors

故障成... ... the malfunction diagnosis of cutting processing; 故障诊断 ; Analysis of the contributing factors; 成因分析; ...

genesis analysis

成因初步... ... ) prelimirary performance evaluation 航行初步分析 ) genesis analysis 成因分析 ) origin analysis 成因分析 ...

analysis for origin

Chinese origin_翻译 ... 思想渊源: The thought origin 成因分析analysis for origin 理论渊源: Origin of theory ...

Become because of analysis

... become part of 成为其中的一部分 ; 成为团体或组织中的一员 Become because of analysis 成因分析 become full of 充盈 ...

cause analysis of drought

什么意思... ... Cause analysis of low 出成低原因分析 cause analysis of drought 成因分析 Cause analysis of 原因分析 ...
