
  • n.radius of inertia
  • 网络radius of gyration; gyradius; radius of gyration of an area



radius of inertia

机械词汇的英语翻译--打印文章 ... radius of gyration 惯性半径 radius of inertia 惯性半径 radius of turn 回转半径 ...

radius of gyration

机械词汇的英语翻译--打印文章 ... radius of curvature 曲率半径 radius of gyration 惯性半径 radius of inertia 惯性半径 ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(G3) ... gypsyhead 绞缆筒 gyradius 惯性半径 gyrate 回转 ...

radius of gyration of an area

力学 名词中英对照 -... ... 构件 structural member 惯性半径 radius of gyration of an area 惯性积 product of inertia ...

Radius of gyration of the area

dA dA四、惯性半径 (Radius of gyration of the area)AIi yy?

i y

... (cm 4 ) 惯性半径(i x ) (cm) 惯性半径(i y ) (cm) 截面模数(W x ) (cm 3 ) 外包高(H) 上翼缘宽(b 1 ) 下翼缘宽(b 2 ) 腹板 …
