
  • n.recovery factor
  • 网络coefficient of restitution; restitution coefficient; Recovery coefficient



coefficient of restitution

FLUENT教程 - 豆丁网 ... coaxial 同轴的 coefficient of restitution 回弹系数; 恢复系数 coke 碳 ...

restitution coefficient

物理专业英语词汇(R)|数学物理英语词汇 ... rest mass 静质量 restitution coefficient 恢复系数 restoring force 恢复力 ...

Recovery coefficient

航海及海运专业英语... ... recovery arrangement 回收装置 recovery coefficient 恢复系数 recovery control unit 恢复控制部件 ...

recovery factor

航海及海运专业英语词汇(R2) ... recovery control unit 恢复控制部件 recovery factor 恢复系数 recovery factor 恢复因数 ...


不同压缩值的棒球於不同速度时恢复系数(COR)、撞击接触时间之测试。目的 探讨不同压缩性质之棒球,於不同球速时之恢复 …

collision coefficient

核能专业术语(7) ... collision 碰撞 collision coefficient 恢复系数 collision cross section 碰撞截面 ...

recovering factor

机械英汉词典(R)-机械资讯-马棚网 ... recovered temperature 回收温度 recovering factor 恢复系数 recovery 恢复、复原 ...

restitutive coefficient

... restimulation 再激发 restitutive coefficient 恢复系数 restitution 恢复 ...
