
  • un.presidential candidate
  • 网络The Candidate; a presidential candidate; President candidate



presidential candidate

台湾选举英语词汇 ... portfolio 部长职, 大臣职 presidential candidate 总统候选人 primary 初选 ...

The Candidate

历届奥斯卡最佳剧本合集 - Powered by... ... 法国贩毒网 The French Connection 总统候选人 The Candidate 教父 The Godfathe…

a presidential candidate

04.13 ... one of the leading candidates for the presidency 总统职位的主要候选人之一 a presidential candidate 总统候选人 ...

President candidate

Source for "eRepublik... ... "Party founder" 创党元老", "President candidate" 总统候选人", "Media Mogul" 媒体大亨", ...

Geraldine Ferraro

...akis, John Kerry)的孩子,和一位副总统候选人Geraldine Ferraro)的孩子;有娱乐界名人披头士Ringo Starr, George Harr…

United States presidential election

presidential candidates

经典短语 ... 21.a corporate salesman 公司推销员 22.presidential candidates 总统候选人 23.overseas investment 海外投资 ...

presidential nominee

John Edwards ... presumptive: 假定的 presidential nominee: 总统候选人 Rep.: 共和党 ...
