
  • 网络Auditor General; control-general; chief comptroller



Auditor General

精华区 - 批踢踢实业坊 ... 环境卫生员 Environmental Hygiene Clerk 总稽核 Auditor General 总检核、总稽查 Inspector General ...


石油英语词汇(C7)_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... control 控制 control-general 总稽核 control-line passage 控制管线通道 ...

chief comptroller

comptroller of... ... assistant comptroller 助理主计长 chief comptroller 主计长; 总稽核 comptroller of accounts 审计长 ...

General Auditor

经营团队 (中) ... 协理 Vice President 总稽核 General Auditor 财务部经理 Manager of Finance Dept. ...

Inspecteur principal

Glossary_Shanghai ... 监狱长 Directeur de Prison 总稽核 Inspecteur principal 上海土地章程 Shanghai Land Regulation ...

Total investigation

公司各「职称」的英文翻译 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 总干事: General manager 总稽核: Total investigation 总检核: Total control ...

Executive Vice President and General Auditor

精华区 - 批踢踢实业坊 ... 常驻监察人 Resident Supervisor 总稽核 Executive Vice President and General Auditor ...

IPR Director

精英人力资源‧你可以信赖的专业求职顾问。 ... 助理顾问师 Consultant 总稽核 IPR Director 工程设计施工 Application Engineer ...
