
  • 网络Lead a fairly comfortable life on the whole; moderate prosperity; general well-off society



Lead a fairly comfortable life on the whole

十七大重要词汇 ... 温饱不足 Inadequately fed and clad 总体小康 Lead a fairly comfortable life on the whole ...

moderate prosperity

中国国情相... ... lack of basic living necessities 温饱不足 moderate prosperity 总体小康 per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值 ...

general well-off society

总体极小,global... ... ) global optimization 总体极值 ) general well-off society 总体小康 ) bipolarcorpuscula 双极小体 ...

A fairly comfortable life on the whole

南京审计学院外语系——“十七大”报告关键... ... 和谐文化 A culture of harmony 总体小康 A fairly comfortable life on the whole ...
