
  • 网络inhibition of thought; Slow thinking; retardation of thinking



inhibition of thought

2.思维迟缓inhibition of thought) 即联想抑制,联想速度减慢、数量的减少和困难。患者表现言语缓慢、语量减少,语声甚 …

Slow thinking

“抑郁症”等相关词用英语怎么说?????????... ... 悲观, Pessimistic, 思维迟缓Slow thinking, 缺乏主动性, Lack of in…

retardation of thinking

over and above中文 ... over and over 一再地,再三地... retardation of thinking 思维迟缓 retardation of thought 思想迟缓 ...

retardation of thought

...思维联想障碍 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 思维迟缓 (retardation of thought) 思维奔逸,思潮澎拜,观念飘忽 (flight of ideas) 思维中断,...

inhibition or retardation of thought

○-步进教学--> ... 1)=思维迟缓inhibition or retardation of thought) 2)=思维奔逸( flight of ideas) ...

Thought slowness

成都医学院护理学院 ... 迟发性运动障碍 Tardive dyskinesia 思维迟缓 Thought slowness 耐受性 Tolerance ...

inhibition of ideas

b) 思维迟缓(inhibition of ideas):速度过低,见于抑郁症。 c) 思维贫乏(poverty of thought):数量减少,见于精神分裂 症、脑器质性精...

slowness of thought

B 思维迟缓(slowness of thought)—与思维奔逸明 — 显相反,联想缓慢,思流不连贯,系抑郁症的典型表现 C 思维贫乏(poverty of th…
