
  • un.ideological and ethical standards
  • 网络Moral quality; quality of morality; national ideological and ethnical standards



ideological and ethical standards

CATTI笔译必备词汇... ... 思想道德素质 ideological and ethical standards 提高教学水平 raise teaching standards ...

Moral quality

思想素... ... ) thinking quality 思想素质 ) Moral quality 思想道德素质 ) Ideological and political qualities 思想政治素质 ...

quality of morality

Unit&... ... 民办教育 non-state education 思想道德素质 quality of morality 科学文化素质 quality of science and technology ...

national ideological and ethnical standards

《新英汉口译实践》 Unit... ... 经济全球化 economic globalization 思想道德素质 national ideological and ethnical standards ...

niveau de conscience et qualité morale

moral character

思想道德素质评价体系,evaluation... ... ) ideological and ethical standards 思想道德素质 ) moral character 思想道德素质 ...

quality of ideology and morality

思想道德素质评价体系,... ... ) ideological and moral quality 思想道德素质 ) quality of ideology and morality 思想道德素质 ...

ideological and moral quality

思想道德素质评价体系,evaluation system... ... ) Moral quality 思想道德素质 ) ideological and moral quality 思想道德素质 ...
