
  • 网络anxiety makes qi depressed; anxiety mking qi depressed; anxiety making qi depressed



anxiety makes qi depressed

专业... ... 思伤脾 anxiety impairing the spleen 思则气结 anxiety makes qi depressed 思则气结 anxiety making qi depressed ...

anxiety mking qi depressed

专业词汇在线翻... ... 思则气结 anxiety making qi depressed 思则气结 anxiety mking qi depressed 不安神经症 anxiety neurose ...

anxiety making qi depressed

专业... ... 思则气结 anxiety makes qi depressed 思则气结 anxiety making qi depressed 思则气结 anxiety mking qi depressed ...

Excessive contemplation stagnating Qi

中医药翻译基础词汇... ... 思则气结 Excessive contemplation stagnating Qi 悲则气消 Excessive grief exhausting Qi ...

pensiveness leading to qi knotting

03.中医基础理论 ... 怒则气上 rage leading to qi ascending 思则气结 pensiveness leading to qi knotting ...

contemplation causing qi stagnation

中医术语_世纪凯若翻译_天涯博客... ... 思则气结 contemplation causing qi stagnation 惊则气乱 terror causing qi disorder ...

anxiety causing qi stagnation

cause-英汉词典-英中字典... ... an unjust cause finds little support 失道寡助 anxiety causing qi stagnation [医]思则气结 ...

Thinking Stagnates Qi

...气乱 (Fright Disorders Qi) 思则气结 (Thinking Stagnates Qi) 4.多发为情志病( 4.多发为情志病(Often 多发为情志病 Emotional ...
