
  • 网络rage impairing the liver; Anger impairs the Liver; the liver is easily affected by anger



rage impairing the liver

翻译词典... ... dry-heat impairing lung 燥热伤肺 rage impairing the liver 怒伤肝 anxiety impairing the spleen n.思伤脾 ...

Anger impairs the Liver

中医英语笔记-中基 ... 疫 Pestilence  怒伤肝 Anger impairs the liver 喜伤心 Excessive joy impairs the heart ...

the liver is easily affected by anger

专业词汇在线翻译、... ... 肝水 the liver edema 怒伤肝 the liver is easily affected by anger 肝藏血 the liver stores blood ...

anger damages the liver

COMPLETE BANK OF TERMS USED... ... 怒气伤肝 anger damaging the liver 怒伤肝 anger damages the liver 思本 Root of Th…

Anger Liver

...ring the Internal Organ) 怒伤肝(Anger Liver) Impairs the Liver Heart) Impairs the Heart 喜伤心(Joy 思伤脾(Thinking Impai...
