
  • 网络In Memory For Comrade In Arms; Missing a solder; Memories of comrades



In Memory For Comrade In Arms

... 长亭外 Outside The Pavilion 怀念战友 In Memory For Comrade In Arms 秋水伊人 She Stands In The Riverbank In Autumn ...

Missing a solder

Foreword(英译中文歌曲前言) - 大众乐谱 ... 49.Late Autumn( 晚秋) 48.Missing a solder怀念战友) 47.Sweet honey( …

Memories of comrades

首届DTS格式环绕... ... 04.游击队之歌 The song of guerilla 05.怀念战友 Memories of comrades 06.雁南飞 Wild geese fly away ...

Farewell My Comrade

跨越新天堂 -... ... 05. 家园(抒情版) Home Land 06. 怀念战友 Farewell My Comrade 07. 草原之夜 The Night On the Prairie ...


怀念战友(Live) - 刀郎by Lin Law 14 views Loading more suggestions...

Missing Comrade

戴玉强《中国第一男高音戴玉强独... ... 7 负心人 意大利民歌 Mindchangcd ovet 8 怀念战友 Missing Comrade 9 那就是我 It is m…

Memorize the friends in army

第一元素3 古琴:谢东笑... ... 4 祈祷 Pray 5 怀念战友 Memorize the friends in army 6 黎明不要明 Don't want the dawn ...

I miss my comrades-in-arms

怀念战友 (I miss my comrades-in-arms) by Ding Yiby LiJing28 1,218 views 4:02 《在银色月光下》戴玉强by Ninh Chu 1,440 vi…
