
  • 网络exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus; Motion of the Heart and Blood; The motion of the heart and blood



exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus

Motion of the Heart and Blood

精!_梦回_新浪博客 ... HARVEY:Motion of the Heart and Blood 哈维:心血运动论 HEBREW BIBLE 希伯来圣经 ...

The motion of the heart and blood

HKUL: Electronic... ... 心血运动论 : The motion of the heart and blood 怎样查找医学文献 : Zenyang chazhao yixue wenxian ...

On the Motion of theHeart

大的生理学家威廉·哈维(William Harvey)在他的书《心血运动论》(On the Motion of theHeart) 中写道:“经由推论与实验证明, …
