
  • 网络disharmony between the heart and kidney; disarmony between the heart and kidney; imbalance between heart-yang and kidney-yin



disharmony between the heart and kidney

... 不和谐 disharmonly 心肾不交 disharmony between the heart and kidney 肝脾不和 disharmony between the liver and spleen ...

disarmony between the heart and kidney

专业词汇... ... 利眠宁 disarim 心肾不交 disarmony between the heart and kidney 肩关节断离术 disarticulatiobn of shoulder ...

imbalance between heart-yang and kidney-yin

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 意想 imagine in the mind 心肾不交 imbalance between heart-yang and kidney-

disharmony between heart and kidney

CG Woordenboek ... 心肾不交 disharmony between heart and kidney 水气凌心 water pathogen insulting heart ...

heart and kidney not in harmony

zang fu TCM diagnostics,... ... 心肾不交 heart and kidney not in harmony 心胆俱虚 heart and gall bladder both deficient ...

failure of the heart and kidney to communicate

中医术语... ... 26 三焦 triple burner 27 心肾不交 failure of the heart and kidney to communicate 28 筋 sinew ...

non-interaction between the heart and kidney

terminology of&... ... non-interaction between the heart and kidney 心肾不交 mutual rooting of yin and yang 阴阳互根 ...

Incoordination between Heart and Kidney

就... ... 14. Incoordination between Heart and Kidney 心肾不交 15. It is thundering and lightening. 雷电交作。 ...
