
  • 网络Statistics for Psychology; Psychological and educational Statistics; Understanding Statistics in Psychology & Education



Statistics for Psychology

心理与教育统计学Statistics for Psychology)。台北:学富出版社。

Psychological and educational Statistics

...学(Motivation Psychology) 心理与教育统计学(Psychological and educational Statistics) 心理测验(psychological testing)

Understanding Statistics in Psychology & Education

Statistics in Psychology & Education

入口网 新书展示 ─ ... 心理与教育统计学, Statistics in Psychology & Education 我就是忍不住笑了, I just can't help laughing ...

Statistics for Psychology and Education

... 提供课程 Courses offered 心理与教育统计学 Statistics for Psychology and Education 心理测验 Psychological Testing ...

Basic Statistics in Psychology and Education

... 心理与教育统计学 Basic Statistics in Psychology and Education 生涯发展与谘商 Career Development and Counseling ...

Statictics in Psychology and Education

大学部课程规划 ... 普通心理学 General Psychology 心理与教育统计学 Statictics in Psychology and Education ...

Aron & Aron

2.黄琼蓉(2000):心理与教育统计学Aron & Aron)。台北市:学富文化。
