
  • 网络St Ignatius Cathedral; Church of St. Mary Mother of God; Xujiahui Catholic Cathedral



St Ignatius Cathedral

Sightseeing... ... Martyrs Memorial 龙华烈士陵园 St Ignatius Cathedral 徐家汇天主堂 Shanghai Botanical Gardens 上海植物园 ...

Church of St. Mary Mother of God

The Official Xuhui District... ... 徐家汇天主堂 Church of St. Mary Mother of God 国际礼拜堂 Shanghai Community Church ...

Xujiahui Catholic Cathedral

标签旅游网... ... 港汇广场 Grand Gateway Plaza 徐家汇天主堂 Xujiahui Catholic Cathedral 土山湾博物馆 TOU-SE-WE Museu…

Xujiahui St. Ignatius Cathedral

Panoramio - Photos by 走路工... ... 静安公园 Jing'an Park 徐家汇天主堂[圣依纳爵大教堂] Xujiahui St. Ignatius Cathedral ...
